To reach the desired goal the choice of right guide to it is really important the choice of your books matter more than your teacher because by using that book you learn more and more things as the level of the book is high so when you attempt a hard paper it seems normal to you as you already have adapted your mind to those(hard) type of questions so you will feel it a normal thing. so here are the right books which will help you to make the right concepts to tackle your desired goals
if you are hcv fan than it is best for you but actually the level of problems is not up to the mark. dc pandey is good in terms of level of questions but its theory is not up to the mark. So both of them are complimentary to each other
for advanced there are many pdfs in my site but still the irodov is the best. if u have done it thoroughly then advanced is a piece of cake. the solution for it is also available in my drive. there is another book called krotov which is also great work. but it has creative questions may be it will suit your taste
i don't know what your teacher told you, you should respect that but according to me the balaji publication is best for your entire chemistry. It just mimics the questions from advanced and also better than that
click here to buy VK Jaiswal(inorganic)
for maths i would suggest u to use your coaching sheets or stuff like that but here are some books which will do a great help
click here to buy play with graphs
click here to buy pearson maths